Minimising environmental impact
We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations and offices by educating our employees, implementing best practice procedures and complying with legislative and our clients’ environmental requirements.
A key principle of our business is to be Never Wasteful, and we expect all our employees to play their part in the protection of the environment and to proactively work smarter together to improve our environmental practices.
Our environmental commitments are outlined in our Health Safety and Environment Policy and our Sustainability Policy. These policies direct our approach to environmental management across the business and are supported by our Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management System. Our management systems are certified to ISO 14001:2016, providing a robust framework to ensure environmental risks are identified, managed and communicated.
We recognise the importance of water to the communities in which we operate, to our operations and to the health of the environment. We seek to minimise our water use across all our operations and work with our clients to prevent contamination and wastage.
Tailings management
Perenti does not design, build, maintain or operate tailings dams for our clients. We recognise the potentially significant risk tailings storage facilities pose to the safety and health of people, infrastructure, and the environment, if not effectively managed and governed. We are also aware of the current and emerging leading practice standards and initiatives on tailings, such as those defined by the ICMM.
Rehabilitation and closure
The rehabilitation and closure of mine sites is a vitally important environmental issue, and we support our clients to meet their rehabilitation objectives and obligations by undertaking rehabilitation activities under their direction and control.
Protected areas and biodiversity
We are committed to minimising land disturbance and avoiding impacts on biodiversity. We comply with all client land disturbance processes and permits.
If you have any questions about our commitment to the environment, contact us.