Climate Change


Accelerating decarbonisation

Climate change is one of the major issues of our time, requiring genuine leadership from all actors – government, civil society and the private sector. Perenti recognizes that immediate collective action is needed in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. We have released our Climate Change Position Statement which outlines our recognition of the science of climate change and ongoing commitment to manage the risks and minimise the impacts and associated with a changing climate.


Perenti recognizes that climate change can affect our businesses through a change in environmental conditions, such as an increase in severe weather events; or through changes in the business environment due to the transition to a low carbon economy.​ You can read more about our response to physical and transitional impacts of climate change in our sustainability report.

The primary actions we are taking to reduce our contribution of greenhouse gasses include:

The mining sector is heavily scrutinised for its contribution to global emissions, yet at the same time is critical for producing minerals for a low carbon future. At Perenti we believe we must play our part to help decarbonise the industry while continuing to provide services that are essential for economic growth and provision of commodities that will enable decarbonisation.

In order to contribute to the decarbonisation of the industry and position ourselves for the future, we have developed a roadmap to decarbonise our operations and value chain. The roadmap establishes our emissions reduction targets and describes the practical steps we will take to achieve them.

Our Emissions

Perenti considers transparency in climate change response and management practices to be a fundamental practice in the collective fight against climate change. As a mining contractor, it is important for us to differentiate our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions to enable us to prioritise our decarbonisation efforts. The graphic below describes the main emissions sources within our operations and value chain.

Since 2020 we have measured the greenhouse gas emissions under our operational control. Please refer to our latest sustainability report for disclosure of our emissions


Perenti supports the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as a framework to increase reporting of climate-related financial information. We are progressively increasing reporting to the TCFD requirements and will continue to monitor developments in this space.

Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosure


The Board Sustainability Committee has oversight of climate-related issues at Perenti, including carbon emissions reduction and climate change risk management. The Sustainability Committee Charter can be accessed here.

The Chief People Officer, who reports to the Chief Executive Officer and has the Sustainability function as part of their portfolio, has overall responsibility for ensuring climate change risks and opportunities are assessed and managed. Accountability for specific climate-related risks and opportunities are allocated to relevant roles within the business.

The Board and Group Executive has received climate change training to enable informed consideration of climate-related issues during the annual risk review.

Perenti’s Climate Change Position Statement will be completed in FY22.


The risks and opportunities of climate change is considered as part of the Board’s strategy framework.

Climate change and carbon emissions have been acknowledged as an emerging risk and material issue in our 2021 Annual Report and sustainability report. We will continue to assess and disclose climate-related risks as part of our internal risk assessment process, with an aim of improving the level of detail over time.

Perenti is an inaugural member (and the only mining contractor) of the Electric Mine Consortium, where we are taking steps towards decarbonising mining with the ambition to accelerate progress towards fully electrified, zero CO2 and zero diesel particulates mines.

We are currently collaborating with stakeholders to deliver a decarbonisation roadmap which demonstrates how we will decarbonise our operations and align with our clients’ net zero ambitions. Furthermore, our Operational Technology Roadmap includes electrification of the fleet as a key consideration.


Perenti’s approach to climate-related risk is integrated into our overarching risk management framework, which is aligned with ISO 31000:2018 and the ASX Principles and Recommendations. Climate-related risks are assessed involving cross functional input from across the business.

In 2021, we completed a climate change risk assessment of the business using bowtie methodology with cross functional input. We are in the process of undertaking scenario analysis in accordance with the methodology proposed in the TCFD Technical Supplement for scenario analysis.

In FY22 we are taking steps to establish sustainability criteria to be used in capital investment decision-making. We are in the process of ensuring material sustainability issues (including climate-related issues) are appropriately incorporated into the Group Internal Audit program.


Perenti has disclosed Scope 1 and 2 emissions since 2020. These data are published in the annual sustainability report and Annual Report.

We have commenced collecting Scope 3 emission data, primarily comprising of client site GHG emissions, which we anticipate will be completed in early FY23.

In FY23 we will undertake pre-assurance of greenhouse gas and energy data.

If you have any questions about our commitment to sustainability, contact us.