Mine Electrification Study


Is full underground mining fleet electrification feasible?

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Leading the way through collaboration

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The Study that is set to change the future of mining

The encouraging results of the Study reinforce the importance of BEV trials in Australia and globally.

The Study showed that transitioning to an all electric fleet at Cosmos is technically feasible and not cost prohibitive, and while all mines are different, the findings have substantial value for IGO and the industry more broadly.

High level findings from the mine electrification Study are presented in this White Paper.

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35+ years of Mining Experience

Forging partnerships to decarbonise

Advancing mine electrification

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Operating EVs in mines since 2019

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Mine electrification will take collaboration.

A collaboration between IGO Limited, Perenti and ABB has revealed that an all-electric underground fleet for Cosmos would be competitive with the existing all-diesel operating fleet that was planned.

The Cosmos Underground Electrification Study is one of the first pre-feasibility level analyses of the technical and economic aspects of converting an Australian underground mine’s fleet from diesel vehicles to battery electric vehicles (BEVs).


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